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 What is Every Single Vote? 

Every Single Vote was founded in June 2020 in response to an alarming rise in anti-democratic and anti-voting legislation. We have one vital mission: protect our fundamental right to vote and expand access to the ballot box.

 A few of our voting rights wins: 

  • In 2022, we helped Michigan's Prop 2 ballot initiative succeed, enshrining key voter protections into the Michigan Constitution.

  • In 2022, we helped defeat Arizona's Prop 128 ballot initiative, helping to preserve and protect voting rights in Arizona

  • In 2020, we raised $50,000 for Stacey Abram's voting rights organization Fair Fight Action helping flip the state of Georgia.

  • Since 2020, we've contributed nearly a quarter-million dollars supporting voting rights organizations and state-level ballot initiatives that protect and expand voting rights.

 How we do this work. 

We’ve been able to achieve these wins by focusing on building a strong and sustainable base of small-dollar supporters who are passionate about helping protect and expand voting rights.

 Moving forward >> 

We know that 2024 is going to be a huge test for our democracy. Call us skeptics, but we aren't counting on Congress to protect voting rights anytime soon. That's why we're focused on where we've seen the most success: the state level.


We are preparing to support pro-voting organizations and state-level ballot initiatives that would protect and expand voting rights. We have a record of winning these fights and we're confident we can win more.


Every dollar you donate to our non-profit organization supports our work to protect voting rights.

Our Advisory Board

(some folks who know how to win elections and want to use those skills to expand voting rights)

Jamie Patton
Andy Barr
Bill Burton
Aisha Wahab
Lindsay Bubar
Adam Kinsey
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